Chapter 4. How to enter student loan repayment gracefully?!

If you borrowed federal student loans, you are given a grace period of 6 months after you graduate/leave college or drop below half-time enrollment before you enter student loan repayment.

 All federally funded loans are housed at the Federal Student Aid Links to an external site. website, while private loans should be handled with the appropriate institutions from which you borrowed your private funds. You need to familiarize yourself with this website and use it to manage your federally borrowed student loans. 


How to

Here are the 10 golden rules you need to follow: 

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Now that you know what to do to enter repayment of your student loans. Think about paying it forward and discuss your federal and private loan strategies for repayment with your friends or your family members.


Congratulations!  You can move on to Chapter 5. How to manage your student loan repayment?

To review the full module on Student loans, click here.