Chapter 2. How can I protect my identity from theft?

How can you protect your identity from theft? 


How to

There are several ways to protect yourself and your family from falling victim to identity theft. 

1. Secure your mailbox

    • Pick up your mail regularly and keep track of bills received by mail
      • Consider dropping your outgoing mail at a post office instead of raising the flag at your mailbox

2. Buy a criss-cross shredder

    • It is worth it to invest in a shredder since it shreds documents beyond repair or recognition
      • Keep the permanent records in a fireproof safety box and shred all you don't need, especially records you can obtain electronically

3. Use the internet safely

    • In today's world, almost everything is recorded and archived in a cloud
      • Be careful when you use the internet on your personal computer or in a public place
      • We can not emphasize enough that privacy on the internet is your best defense against identity theft
      • Be extremely mindful if you have to use your full legal name, your birth date, your mother's maiden name, your mailing address and especially your social security number online!
        • Such information, if not protected, can create a recipe for financial disaster
    • Always verify the site is secure and never reply to message and inquiries sent to you by email

4. Stay in control of your inquiries

    • If you need a credit card, you should be the one to initiate a request for it
    • Do not react to offers
      • Instead, contact the agency directly to confirm the legitimacy of such offers
    • Beware of scams and watch children and the elders in your family so they stay protected as well

5. Check your credit report regularly

    • At least once a year, you should review a free copy of your credit report
    • You are, by federal regulation, entitled to receive one free copy of your credit report


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Can you think of other strategies to keep you safe? Think about paying it forward and teach how to protect your identity with a friend or family members.


Congratulations! You can move on to Chapter 3. How do I protect myself from identity theft when I travel?

To review the full module on Identity Theft, click here