Chapter 4. Savings and investment vehicles, what is the difference?

To make your money work for you, you need to differentiate between savings vehicles and investments vehicles.


How to


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1. Savings vehicles

Savings vehicles are relatively safe in protecting the principal capital in addition to offering a low to a modest return on interest payment. Saving accounts are mostly liquid (you can get to them as needed) so a cash withdrawal is easily accessible.


2. Investment vehicles

Investment vehicles are usually non-liquid. Investors have to relinquish their control over the cash and sometimes risk losing a part or even the entire investment. 



Now that you know the difference between saving and investing vehicles, think of paying it forward and discuss your preference with a friend or a family member.


Congratulations! You can move on to Chapter 5. Is it ever too early/late to plan for retirement?

To review the full module on Saving & investing, click here.