Chapter 5. How do I protect, improve, or repair my FICO Credit Score?
The best protection for your FICO score is to adhere to respecting the factors used to calculate the score. You also need to monitor your credit report to prevent any identity theft that could destroy your financial reputation very quickly (which may take a long time to repair). As you review your credit report, pay close attention to the identity and personal information including your social security number, address or locations of your residence, list of accounts in good standing, inquiries, public records, and potentially all negative items on your report. Keep in mind the CRAs update their information at different times and periodically. They use increments to report your information in 30, 60, 90, and 120 days and they update accordingly.
How to
To protect, improve, or repair your FICO score, you need to watch for the following activities on your credit report and how long it would affect.
Congratulations! Now Test your knowledge about the FICO score!
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