Chapter 5. What can women do collectively?
Some financial issues should be addressed individually by women, but sometimes their collective power can help. Consider collectively voicing concerns and work on finding solutions for a better life for all women.
How to
It is critical for every woman to advocate on behalf of all women by discussing issues and topics related to women's lives and happiness. Here is a list of topics that women could collectively champion:
- To receive the pay they deserve for equal work opportunities and conditions
- To have access to higher-paying jobs without having to sacrifice raising a family
- To receive adequate and affordable child and elderly care and remain in the workforce
- To have access to quality flexible work schedules and paid family leave
- To receive support through expanded tax credits to meet the cost of raising a family
- To strengthen social security benefits for women as an added protection for retirement
- To receive affordable and quality health insurance as they exit the workforce
Now you know what women can do collectively to advocate for their financial security, freedom, and happiness. Think of paying it forward and discuss your experience with a friend or a family member.
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