Chapter 1. Tying loose ends as you prepare for life

Every university nurtures successful students and send them out to conquer the world to make it a better place for people. Most graduates dream to exit the university gracefully without regrets and with enough skills and knowledge to build a future.


How to

Below are a few items students need to complete to graduate college gracefully:


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1. Make sure you have met all requirements for graduation

    • Check out the requirements that might cause a hold on your graduation of financial clearance including:
      • Academic records
      • Student account payments
      • Overdue library books
      • Campus parking tickets
      • Any other conditions 

2. Update your forwarding information

    • Update your information in case the school needs to reach out to you such as:
      • Forwarding address
      • Telephone number
      • Change of name
    • Obtain unofficial copies of your academic records, transcripts, and all other pertinent information for future use
    • Remember, you might not get to keep your college ID privileges for long after graduation

3. Get recommendation letters

    • Ask faculty and staff to write recommendation letters for your future use

4. Update information on your student loans lenders

    • If you are among the 70% of students who have borrowed student loans, complete your Federal Student Loan Exit Counseling and update your personal information with your lenders (federal and private)
    • Get up-to-date information on your student loans amounts and due dates for your repayment cycle



Now, you know what to do before leaving college. Think of paying it forward and discuss additional tasks a student needs to do to tie all loose ends and exit gracefully with a friend or a family member.


Congratulations! You can move on to Chapter 2. Accepting employment and what to watch for.

To review the full module on After graduation, click here.