Chapter 5. Ways to help save money and protect the environment

Since the beginning of life on earth and for billions of years, life has needed natural resources to survive and continue to exist. A healthy environment is necessary for all life forms to survive. Drinkable water, breathable air, and nutritious edible food are all natural resources required for life to continue. If these resources become depleted or are driven into extinction, it will jeopardize human existence as well.

How to

On an individual level, many ways help save money and protect the environment at the same time. It is a matter of choosing to exercise your consumer power over the direction of the economy you help shape for the future generation. Here are immediate ideas you can use to become a part of the solution:

Conserve energy and reduce carbon footprint

    • Scale back on the use of a car and carpool when possible
    • Walk or ride a bike for health 
    • Use public transportation
    • Combine errands or shop virtually
    • Invest in alternative energy sources
    • Choose forks over knives (eat less meat)
    • Clean safely

Compost and reduce waste

    • Keep track of the trash
    • Grow a garden and donate to food kitchens
    • Freeze the leftovers
    • Use smaller plates
    • Shop locally for fresh ingredients
    • Refuse heavy packaging
    • Take your own reusable bag
    • Participate in healthy living events

Water conservation

    • Do not pollute water sources
    • Ditch the bottle and purify tap water
    • Repair leaky plumbing
    • Run dishwashers only when full
    • Take shorter showers
    • Live sustainably
    • Adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle
    • Plant a tree



Now you know how to save money and protect the environment as you use your consumer power. Think of paying it forward and discuss other ways and tips with a friend or a family member.


Congratulations! Now Test your knowledge about Environmental stewardship!

Would you like to review again? You can start over at Introduction.

To review the full module on Environmental Stewardship, click here.


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