Chapter 1. Foundations of nutrition


Nutrition is the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. Since 1916, the United States Department of Agriculture has published guidelines to inform people about their food choices.  Starting over a century ago, the USDA has empowered citizens to make healthy food choices by providing scientifically-based nutritional guidance and symbols in addition to a suite of interactive online tools. This guidance is still undergoing changes, as new research and studies continue to emerge with more recent scientific data.

The U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans is updated about once every five years, and currently, nutrition is a totally personalized experience.  One statement on nutrition can be agreed upon across the board --that people should eat a variety of fruits and vegetables from all the subgroups, protein including legumes, dairy, and healthy fats to provide balanced nutrients and maintain their health. 


How to

Most recent guidelines suggest that a healthy eating pattern limits added sugars, saturated fats, sodium, and alcohol. Recommendations are updated with each research discovery and information is constantly modified. The components of what constitutes good nutrition have changed over time, even though the definition of nutrition remains constant.

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Throughout history, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has tried to educate citizens on the nature and foundations of nutrition. Topics such as food and nutrition, health and safety, and research and science are at the core of social and financial discourses locally, nationally, and globally.



Now that you know the foundation of nutrition, think of paying it forward and discuss your understanding of nutrition with a friend or a family member.


Congratulations! You can move on to Chapter 2. Major determinants of food choices.

To review the full module on Money and nutrition, click here