Chapter 1. How do you find the right study abroad program for you?

Study abroad programs come in different formats.  They can be on a short-term lasting a few weeks or on a long-term turning into exchange programs where students live away from home for a semester or a year. Most colleges and universities have a wide range of study abroad programs to accommodate students' preference and needs. You can choose a program that suits you ā€” to explore or to immerse yourself into the experience. Colleges that have departments or offices for study abroad programs have dedicated staff(s) responsible for guiding students throughout the process. Students can make appointments with staff to collect as much pertinent information as possible to help them make informed decisions. Prior to your meeting, do your own research and list your preferences, needs, and desires for study abroad including your expectations of the experience. This will help you find optimal options in line with your degree, major, personal interest, preferred language, travel opportunities within and outside the visiting country, planned excursions, housing and meal accommodations, and duration of the trip. 

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How to

To help you find the right study abroad program, here are a few questions/inquiries you will need to discuss with your institutional staff:

  1. What are my options based on my stated needs, desires, goals, and expectations?
  2. If I want to receive the full academic credits during study abroad, which programs fit the best with my degree/major program?
  3. Which programs will I be eligible for?
  4. Which programs fit within my personal, professional, academic and environmental goals?
  5. Which programs have non-negotiable requirements?
  6. In addition to Federal Student Aid (FSA), which of these programs offer financial assistance in the form of scholarships and grants?
  7. Which countries are cost effective in travel and living expenses?
  8. Can I travel to another college that has a program relevant to my academic needs and desires, but still receive academic credits from my institution?
  9. What is the level of program support provided to students?
  10. Is there health, political, social and safety issues for these regions of the world?



Now that you know how to go about finding the right study abroad program for you, think of paying it forward, and discuss other questions/inquiries with friends or family members.


Congratulations! You can move on to Chapter 2. How do you calculate the total cost of a study abroad program?

To review the full module on Study Abroad, click here.