Zoom Rooms Controller Overview

The Zoom Rooms Controller

The Zoom Rooms Controller includes features in the following categories - meet now, meeting list, join, presentation, phone, in-meeting controls, device settings and web settings. Zoom Rooms must be associated or paired with the Zoom Rooms Controller application which can be hosted on a Apple iPad, an Android tablet, a Windows 10 tablet or a dedicated device in the Zoom Room. 

Refer to the article below for more information about the features and which devices they are available on:


In Session vs. Out of Session Controller

The Zoom Room Controller is always on, presenting either meeting controls, or other options like the meeting list or settings. For meetings, presentations, and even phone calls, you can manage your Zoom Room right from the controller.  Out of session means that the Zoom Room Controller is displaying its default screen.  In session means the room is in a meeting or presentation mode.