Creating Math Code with EquatIO
EquatIO is math writing software for instructors, students, and anyone creating math content on the web. It integrates with Canvas, has a Google Drive extension, and can be used as a stand-alone app.
Note that EquatIO works best when the content is entirely numerical. If your content includes words as variables, please consult with an accessibility specialist.
How to Access EquatIO
- Download the app.
- When the app asks for authentication, select the Google option.
- Sign in with your Penn State ID and password and authenticate through WebAccess.
- The app will download to your computer, and you can open it to access the toolbar.
Toolbar Options
In the stand-alone app, EquatIO has the following options in the toolbar, which you can learn more about along with the benefits of EquatIO on the TextHelp website:
- Equation Editor
- LaTeX Editor
- Graph Editor
- Handwriting Recognition
- Speech Input
- EquatIO Mobile
- Screenshot Reader
Use the Screenshot Reader to write MathML
The screenshot reader's primary purpose it to be an assistive technology for sighted students who have a print disability. They can draw a box around the math content in a document or webpage and hear it read aloud.
The screenshot reader has a very useful secondary function in that it generates both LaTeX and MathML code (among other output types) that can be extracted and copied. This provides a much faster and more accurate way to create MathML for use in courses or create LaTeX to author in the Canvas math editor.
As a simple example, say you had a document with 2 × 2 = 4 in it. To get the math code, follow these steps:
- Select the Screenshot tool
in the toolbar.
- Use your mouse to draw a box around the equation.
Screenshot Reader - Select the ellipses button to expand the Options menu.
Screenshot Reader Options - Select the type of math code you want to use:
- Copy LaTeX for math code going into Canvas.
- Copy MathML for math code going into Evo or Canvas.
- Paste the code into the MathType (WIRIS) editor to review it before adding to the course because the optical character recognition is not perfect.
- Be sure to paste the code into the correct field, LaTeX or MathML, depending on which code you're using.
- After making any necessary edits, copy and paste the code into the destination page in Source or HTML view.
Tips to Enhance the Scan
- Zoom in to enlarge the equation to make the characters clearer.
- Make sure the document is visible above the toolbar (you may have to close EquatIO to reposition the document).
Watch Video 1 to see the screenshot feature in action.