Creating Math Code with EquatIO

EquatIO is math writing software for instructors, students, and anyone creating math content on the web. It integrates with Canvas, has a Google Drive extension, and can be used as a stand-alone app.  

Note that EquatIO works best when the content is entirely numerical. If your content includes words as variables, please consult with an accessibility specialist.

How to Access EquatIO

  1. Download the app.
  2. When the app asks for authentication, select the Google option.
  3. Sign in with your Penn State ID and password and authenticate through WebAccess.
  4. The app will download to your computer, and you can open it to access the toolbar.

Toolbar Options

EquatIO toolbar with annotations
EquatIO toolbar as seen in the stand-alone app

In the stand-alone app, EquatIO has the following options in the toolbar, which you can learn more about along with the benefits of EquatIO on the TextHelp website:

  1. Equation Editor
  2. LaTeX Editor
  3. Graph Editor
  4. Handwriting Recognition
  5. Speech Input
  6. EquatIO Mobile
  7. Screenshot Reader

Use the Screenshot Reader to write MathML

The screenshot reader's primary purpose it to be an assistive technology for sighted students who have a print disability. They can draw a box around the math content in a document or webpage and hear it read aloud.

The screenshot reader has a very useful secondary function in that it generates both LaTeX and MathML code (among other output types) that can be extracted and copied. This provides a much faster and more accurate way to create MathML for use in courses or create LaTeX to author in the Canvas math editor. 

As a simple example, say you had a document with 2 × 2 = 4 in it. To get the math code, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Screenshot tool screen shot tool symbolin the toolbar.
  2. Use your mouse to draw a box around the equation.
    highlighting a simple equation with equatio's screenshot reader
    Screenshot Reader
  3. Select the ellipses button to expand the Options menu.
    equatio screen shot options including copy latex mathml spoken text and html
    Screenshot Reader Options
  4. Select the type of math code you want to use:
    • Copy LaTeX for math code going into Canvas.
    • Copy MathML for math code going into Evo or Canvas. 
  5. Paste the code into the MathType (WIRIS) editor to review it before adding to the course because the optical character recognition is not perfect. 
    • Be sure to paste the code into the correct field, LaTeX or MathML, depending on which code you're using.
  6. After making any necessary edits, copy and paste the code into the destination page in Source or HTML view.

Tips to Enhance the Scan

  • Zoom in to enlarge the equation to make the characters clearer.
  • Make sure the document is visible above the toolbar (you may have to close EquatIO to reposition the document).

Watch Video 1 to see the screenshot feature in action.

Video 1: EquatIO Screenshot Reader demo
Updated July, 2020