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Welcome to my ePortfolio! As you browse through this site, you will see some of my best works in the past year as part of the courses CAS 137H and CAS 138T - Rhetoric and Civic Life at The Pennsylvania State University. I suggest visiting the Philosophy Statement below first as you'll gain a great understanding of what we learned in these courses.

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Philosophy Statement:

This year in Rhetoric and Civic Life (RCL) taught me many applicable lessons about communicating well. Through the projects discussed in this portfolio, RCL has taught me how to effectively advocate, persuade, inform, and discuss pertinent topics with my peers and with a larger, more diverse group that extends beyond the classroom. Between weeks of blogging and projects that allowed me to discuss my core values, I learned how to appeal to certain audiences and pique their interests with words, something that was difficult for me to do before this class. I also learned about the use of rhetoric in our speech, and how to persuasively communicate to authorities and to our peers. This course and my instructor did a fantastic job at teaching us how to examine the rhetoric around us and utilize those methods to our communicative advantage. The projects listed on this site are just a sampling of our newly gained knowledge in action. 

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