Start Here: Canvas
Welcome to the Canvas Learning Path
This Canvas Learning Path supports all Penn State faculty and staff using Canvas. It is organized into six learning modules, each with a specific goal related to enhancing teaching and learning. Each module contains a selection of the best pedagogical and technical (how-to) resources to help you achieve the objectives of that module. Activities and resources in a given module may include self-paced tutorials, videos, scheduled live training sessions, and more, so you can choose the learning options that are best for you.
Module 1: Get Started with Canvas
- There are several important things to consider when getting acquainted with the Canvas Learning Management System. Resources in this module will get you started and include example courses and design guidelines that will be referenced throughout the Learning Path.
Module 2: Create and Organize Your Course
- Course content includes any items you want to share with your students for their consumption such as course readings (files), multimedia content (video, audio, images, etc.), and text-based content (pages). The resources in this module will help you first examine the options for content delivery and organization before guiding you through the steps for creating and organizing the content in your course.
Module 3: Communicate and Discuss
- There are several Canvas communication tools (announcements, conversations, and chat) to use to communicate with your students throughout the term. This module includes instructions on how to use these tools as well as the Canvas discussion tool to facilitate effective online discussions in your course.
Module 4: Assess, Grade, and Monitor Student Work
- This module will help you learn how to create assessments in Canvas, including assignments, quizzes, and exams. After creating an assessment, you learn how to use the grading and feedback tools to respond to student work and monitor performance throughout your course.
Module 5: Facilitate Collaborative Learning with Groups
- This module is important if you use student groups in your Canvas course. Explore how to create and manage groups and how to create and grade group assignments.
Module 6: Transition Your Course to a New Semester
- Every semester, there are a number of tasks to complete to wrap up your courses and prepare them for the next time you'll teach. This module will be your step-by-step guide to streamlining that transition process.
- Please email for questions or comments about this learning path.